241 E Main St
Huntington, NY 11743
(631) 812-2873
Visits cannot be scheduled online right now.
At Huntington, you can skip the wait. Just choose the time
you'd like to come in, and we'll hold your spot.
Please select an appointment type and provider to see available times
1. Please select appointment type and provider
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Visit Time is required.
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2. Please fill out rest of the information
Please fill in additional patients.
Patient First Name
Patient Last Name
Cell Phone Number
Please do NOT use this system if you are having a life threatening medical emergency. Call 911.
Remote/Staff Registration
****No card capture/upload
Center staff working on chart
GH RR Complete
Missing Demographics
Missing Minor Consent
RR incomplete
RRA Agent Complete
RRA working on chart
We'll send you a text message when it's time to show up.
minutes before your visit
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