Carillon - Occupational Health Clinic
900 Carillon Parkway
St. Petersburg , FL 33716
En EspaƱol
Please select the appropriate reason for visit from the dropdown list above.
Welcome to Carillon - Occupational Health Clinic!
By providing the information below we will hold your employee/candidates' place in line at the time selected. Upon arrival they will need to complete registration prior to seeing a clinician.
If there are no time slots available for your preferred time, please check another day or at another occ health clinic. If nothing is available to meet your needs please contact the clinic and we will work to find a solution.
Please select Basic Pre-employment Physical if no other testing is required (other than substance testing). Select Comprehensive Pre-employment Physical if additional testing (lab work, lift testing, etc.) is part of the physical.
Thank you!
But first, please make sure you don't
need to call 911
Select a reason:
Choose one
Basic Pre-employment Physical
Comprehensive Pre-employment Physical
DOT Physical Only - Non-Comprehensive
Communicable Disease Physical
Respirator Physical
Substance Testing Only (UDS/BAT)
Vaccination Only
Testing Only (Blood Draw/PPD/Fit Testing/etc.)
The clinic has reached its limit for this visit reason today.
Patient First Name
Patient Last Name
Visit Day
Today - 03/24/2025
Visit Time
Cell Phone Number
Patient Date of Birth
Patient Gender
Patient Gender
Patient Full SSN
Check to schedule a BayCare Health Screening appointment.
Employer Name
Description of Physical, etc.
Process Level
Infor Job Code
Moton Plant Rehab Employee? (Check box for Yes)
Job Title
TA Specialist
Check if Hep C titer needed (Labor and Delivery or OR)
We'll send you a text message when it's time to show up.
minutes before my visit
I have reviewed the information
on when to call 911
Please fill in additional patients.
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