AH Occupational Medicine-Gastonia
2211 E Franklin Blvd, Ste 100
Gastonia, NC 28054
In English
Visits cannot be scheduled online right now.
En [name], no necesita la espera. Solo seleccione la hora de su visita y le reservaremos su tiempo.
Seleccione un tipo de cita y un proveedor para ver los horarios disponibles
1. Please select appointment type and provider
Seleccione una razón
OCC MED: Audiometry No Physical
OCC MED: Breath Alcohol Test
OCC MED: DOT Physical
OCC MED: DOT Urine Drug Screen
OCC MED: Fit Test
OCC MED: Hair Drug Screen
OCC MED: Non-DOT Urine Drug Screen
OCC MED: PPD (TB Skin Test) Placement
OCC MED: PPD (TB Skin Test) Read
OCC MED: Physical W/ Spiro/Audio
OCC MED: Pre-employment/Annual/Fit for Duty Physical
OCC MED: Saliva Drug Screen
OCC MED: Shot (Hep B, tetanus, rabies)
OCC MED: Spirometry No Physical
OCC MED: TB Blood Test
OCC MED: Chest X-Ray (Fire or TB screening)
Tiempo de visita es requerido.
Por favor seleccione una hora de cita
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Fechas posteriores ->
Por favor complete el resto de la información
2. Please fill out rest of the information
Please fill in additional patients.
Please do NOT use this system if you are having a life threatening medical emergency. Call 911.
Le enviaremos un mensaje de texto cuando es el momento de aparecer.
minutos antes de mi visita
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